The myth prince Chandra and the demon's war, dr. piyush kumar book review , notion press

The myth prince Chandra and the demon's war.

The myth prince Chandra and the demon's war.

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Well this is first time I'm reading mythology different than what we usually read like ramayana , Mahabharata, kalki and all.
Chandra is something new to my brain. So I was curious to read it.

Chandra is newest recruiter in the army of aryavart. There is past about Chandra which we came to know as we move towards end of book. Basically we came to know how the past impact his present and future.

Basically Story start with Chandra and his life, how the recruitment is done. What things happen in gurukul. After some point Chandra realise so many things. And story moves ahead.

There are so many twist and turns well crafted. The beginning is quite good keeps you hooked up. The mythology book are always big. There are so many characters like Durgam, pradyuman, shwet guru, jayant and so many. It's hard to remember everyone if you never read something like this before.

I'm not going to tell you what happened in the end but, believe me end chapter changes everything about book. It helps to track down all the twist without any hesitation.

The plot is good and cover goes good with it. Author has done so much of research to write this book. I realized as I reached end of book. Talking about character they are well developed and described. The language is very basic and lucid prefect for all times of reader.

The only problem with the book is so many characters and it takes time to understand the plot and twist. I will suggest author should add maps to get exactly how things work.

I will definitely recommend to all mythology lovers who are okay with some great twist and can handle lot's of character.
The myth prince Chandra and the demon's war, dr. piyush kumar book review , notion press The myth prince Chandra and the demon's war, dr. piyush kumar book review , notion press Reviewed by Ronak shah on August 04, 2019 Rating: 5
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