The battle of panchavati and other stories from Indian scriptures
Do You love indian history. Well I do but not everything about indian history. May be some part of it. Like ramayana Mahabharata and so on. Some stories teaches you beautiful lesson about family and other you read just to understand history.
Well, this book is short stories of indian history. It contains 7 stories total from different timeline of indian history.
The cosmic dance
The eight son
Basically this book talk about some of the good things happened in past. Gautam and the curse of draupadi is my favorite Story.
I already know all this story because of my grandma and her knowledge. Talking about plot is good and short one.
The language is easy and lucid. I feel like this book is for person who juts want to little bit of incident happened in history and might get curious to know more about stories like this.
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Do You love indian history. Well I do but not everything about indian history. May be some part of it. Like ramayana Mahabharata and so on. Some stories teaches you beautiful lesson about family and other you read just to understand history.
Well, this book is short stories of indian history. It contains 7 stories total from different timeline of indian history.
The cosmic dance
The eight son
Basically this book talk about some of the good things happened in past. Gautam and the curse of draupadi is my favorite Story.
I already know all this story because of my grandma and her knowledge. Talking about plot is good and short one.
The language is easy and lucid. I feel like this book is for person who juts want to little bit of incident happened in history and might get curious to know more about stories like this.
#punebloggers #puneblogger #bookblogger #indianreaders #indiangiveaway #indianblogger #indianbooktuber #bookblogger #bookstagramcommunity #bookstragram #indianbookstagram #bookphotography #amazonreview #topreviewer #authorlife #authorcommunity #writerscommunity #bookstagramindia #bookreview #reviewbook #reviewer #puneinstagrammers #bookaholic #bookstragrammer
The battle of panchavati and other stories from Indian scriptures book review leadstart publisher
Reviewed by Ronak shah
August 04, 2019