Bestfriend U and ME | ronak shah

You’re a lot more than just a person to me.

Probably, so much more than just someone I see.

You are my best friend, my irrational lover😂,

Okay, whatever😕 you are my everything.

Coz we got low light, yes we did it alright.

The way you hold my heart and read my mind

Makes me never want to let you go.

The way you freely speak to me;

all your soul

Makes me want to lose all control…

I like your pissed off face,

When i behave retarded in hangover😅

And slap you fearlessly with all my grace.😁

You get me at my worst but humble me at my best

Coz at the end of the day, 

It’s an unexpected friendship which dazzled out of a ray.

Tomorrow isn’t promised, for anyone of us.

So, let’s ditch aftertime and measure every inch of this rapid gush.

Now, there is just one wish, that remained

Someday we sit side by side in a jail

Where nobody gets us bail 

And we count the no. of jerks and slaps that we exchanged.😅

Bestfriend U and ME | ronak shah Bestfriend U and ME | ronak shah Reviewed by Ronak shah on September 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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