Nothing ventured book review

Nothing ventured

I absolutely have no idea why I didn't picked his book earlier. This is first time I'm reading Jeffrey Archer. This book left me with so many thoughts.

Jeffrey Archer is very big name when it comes to fiction. This book is based on British detective topic.

let's get into book.

This is a first part of William Warwick series.
William is our main Protagonist who wanted to become detective since the age of 8. As always a twist comes in plot. William chose his path against father wish. He gets his degree in art.

Father is attorney and William to go on same path and become lawyer. After two years of patrol work he takes detective test and passes with no. 1. This book is full of success and failure part. How William deal with those cases. How he get trapped and follows the hint.

There are two big cases with take almost 80% of book. But the journey is remarkable. Loved every bit of it.

I can't wait to see second part of this book. When it comes to character Jeffrey literally nailed it. Awesome description of characters.
Nothing ventured book review Nothing ventured book review Reviewed by Ronak shah on October 21, 2019 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Great Article
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