Invisible girlfriend book review

Invisible girlfriend

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Last week I stumbled upon this book. It's a kind of romance. Let's start with the cover. It looks mysterious. A girl standing alone maybe she hides a lot of things. Maybe she is about to quit her life. Or maybe she is starting a new life forgetting all the past.

This is the story of our Protagonist sid. Well, the full name is Siddharth Ahuja. he is just 17 years old. He literally hates going to school. Even he doesn't like his own name Siddharth (old school name). Sid's parent is a doctor by profession and sid is an only child. He stays in Missouri.

The story becomes interesting when another protagonist AJ (angle jawal) entre the same college. She is a kind of different girl. She is mysterious. She is completely different from others. Soon sid and AJ become friends. Sid falls in love with her. After the 1st date, AJ starts ignoring him. After this a lot of twists and turns take place.

Suspense ( AJ is torture by her parents because she is a girl)
Well, that's all do pick to know what bold steps taken by AJ.
Will they become closer again?

The main character is well developed and described. I loved AJ's character more than sid. The story is quite good and keeps you hooked until the end. The language is very easy and lucid. It's a very short and fast read.

At some point, I felt some unnecessary points but, fooking at a complete package that can be ignored. The message is what matters at the end.
Invisible girlfriend book review Invisible girlfriend book review Reviewed by Ronak shah on October 09, 2019 Rating: 5

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  1. Great Article
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