Dear people with love and care book review

Dear people with love and care.

On an average how many times you get chance to visit doctor in a year. I pray you get less chance to visit doctor. We never asked any doctor how they feel after operation? Do they have something to share?
Then, I stumbled upon this book.

The book is more about doctor and patience and there stories. So no need to judge cover as it looks simple and amazing. From childhood we think doctor are strict but, we always fail to understand them and that's why you should read this book.

This book will change your perspective about doctor patience relationship. Book has so many real experience. There are total 34 chapter written by different doctor.

The best thing about chapter is it start with quote. "Did you know?" That literally one of my favourite part of book.
Every chapter is on the point no extra masala nothing.
Glad to read this book.

Talking about stories, the narration is indeed great. Some stories have good experience and some have bad one. So many new Medical terms used which you might find hard to digest. The language easy and lucid

Some of my favorite chapter
Never give up
Let go. If you want to survive
Do what you love
Your faith shall heal you

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Dear people with love and care book review Dear people with love and care book review Reviewed by Ronak shah on September 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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  1. Great Article
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