I wish there was no backspace key

I wish sometimes, that there was no backspace key. It'd save me the hesitating moment of deciding whether or not I should send it to thee. To which the conclusion was always the same Backspace.

I could write a book, from all those undelivered words that I have ever written to you, and trust me, it would drip with heartfelt emotions, but all I ever do is Backspace.

I feel stupid, whenever it is your conversation that I have opened on my phone. The fingernails of my forefinger become my daily snack, as I type my way through intense feelings just to end up with a nonchalant Hi.

I consider myself blessed to have the slightest of touch of being a writer. But you-you are that constant writer's block that leaves me stuttering and stuck up in a whirlwind of bewildering visions, leaving me with nothing but mere Backspaces.

For the world, we are great friends and, to our friends we are great friends. But are we really, great friends? We talk and talk and talk for hours but all that is ever sent, ever seen is a copy paste smile, hiding, whatever it was, behind the Backspace.

I am fluent with words and let them flow through my veins, guiding my hands to scribble them down. And yet, when I write to you, for every three words that I type, I backspace another 5 times.
I love you
I lo..

I try to be firm with what I have to say, but unlike my font, I'm not bold enough to tell you. If this were a fiction, I would go back and make sure that things were strike through the ones in which you broke me apart. different. I would highlight the pages in which you gave me your heart, and

I wish sometimes, that there was no backspace key.  Because maybe then, if this were a fiction, and I could rewrite the end, I would erase that moment when you said I'm just a friend.

I wish there was no backspace key I wish there was no backspace key Reviewed by Ronak shah on February 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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