EXAM EXAM EXAM #heven or #hell | ronak shah

In upcoming Week's everyone will have some or other exams. A time of life where you will sit at one place whole day with nonsense stuff around you.

Exams are so boring, stressful and at times they are irritating as hell.

We waste the precious time of our life while preparing and studying for these so-called Exams.

Besides the book I had mobile, TV, music, everything except a mind to study I took my earphones on, connected them to a mobile and plugged it in my ears with some of my favorite songs playing it. To be honest, I went into my trance. All I was feeling was myself and thinking about my exams to get over with it.

As we start preparing for an exam we don't even have books, notes, nothing. We just call our friends before exams and ask for everything like everything from who is the author of the book to "how to solve last year question".

And haa.! How can we forgot the most important part for exam time is SLEEP
Ahhaaa...!!  The sleep till 9 pm in morning and the sleep in afternoon awesome.! Nothing gives much pleasure than this!

Actually, In today’s generation, exams are there but only for the sake of scoring marks and they are mainly used as the means of measuring competency. To be more specific, Exams doesn’t really test our intelligence, it just tests our memory these days.
Mean while on whatspp i came across this image. And i seriously unable to stop my laugh😝 because for every engineer it's kind of hell instructions. Actually they are trained to study one night before exams.

To all the people who are living or have lived the student life, the questions I need to ask you all is:-

How many answers, syllabus, theorems, maths problems and the value of ‘ x’ did you all studied and memorized just for the sake of exams and never to use them in life again?

How many times did you all remember something 5 minutes earlier just before the final bell rings or just after the teacher said stop writing?

If I talk about myself 
 For me, the biggest exam in life is the ‘EXAM OF LIFE’..! And,
 ‎ I hope that I will pass by a distinction someday!

Thanks for reading! God bless!

No offense!

Put what you think about exam in one word or one line in comment box. 
 the best ine will get shoutout !!

EXAM EXAM EXAM #heven or #hell | ronak shah EXAM EXAM EXAM #heven or #hell | ronak shah Reviewed by Ronak shah on November 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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