DREAMS COMES TRUE | ronak shah

This journey of stepping the first step and then reaching towards the dream, ambition or goal is not easy. It is not like a walk in the park. In fact, it is going to be the most difficult walk ever. This will be the hardest journey in life. There will be a pain, struggle, hard work, rejection, tears, sacrifice, etc. all in a huge amount. Your heart will be broken and at times you will be broke. You will be beaten physically, mentally and emotionally. You will be angry. You will be jealous. The people who were once closer to you will leave you, even your friends. You will hear people talking shit about you. You will feel alone. And then, there will be a time in life when you will feel like giving up on yourself. You will feel like stopping this all or even quitting this life.
But trust me my friend, along with all these things there will be a thing called Happiness and Satisfaction. Every step that you take towards your dream will make it count and make you feel more alive. God will always be there with you throughout the journey. Guiding you and providing you with endless opportunities. You just have to stay strong, have faith & belief in yourself, keep doing your work and leave the rest to the God.
Also, there will be some people who will like you and support you. These are the people you should keep closer in your life; for the ones being present during your struggle should be present during your happy times. This journey will all be worth it in the end. Because when you will reach towards the destination (dream) you will have the brightest smile on your face, you will be happy & satisfied, you will have your moments, you will have memories, you will have a time of your life and you will have tears too but this time full of joy.

So, don’t be afraid to tell the world what you’re living for!
Don’t be afraid to tell people your dreams!

They may call you crazy, but crazy people are the ones who change and rule the world!
You are unique and special in your own way. Trust your dreams and stay strong.
Dreams are possible. Keep Going!

We all have some dreams in life.

We all have some ambitions and aspirations in life.
We all have a goal in life.
And, we all want to become something in life.
DREAMS COMES TRUE | ronak shah DREAMS COMES TRUE | ronak shah Reviewed by Ronak shah on September 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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